Quilted Needle Case (Tall)

  • $4.00

Technique: Odd Count Peyote

Dimensions: 3.13in x 1.96in inches

This pattern uses 12 colors of Miyuki 11/0 Delicas.  

This pattern is for a 3.5x0.5 inch wooden needle case.

 There are no directions included on how to do peyote stitch.  

There are no instructions for the cap of the needle case, because there are a variety of different sizes on the market.  In our sample (cap was described as 'non flush') we glued a 14mm cabochon to the top and created a bezel with a peyote strip. There are resources on Youtube that can show you how to cover your cap depending on what type of case you have.

Pattern includes a word chart, bead graph and delica color list.  It will be available for instant download as soon as payment is received.